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Library Orientation: School of Ministry Student Resources


This page contains links to research resources for the School of Ministry at Richmont Graduate University. Below, you'll find a list of helpful databases, Bible commentaries, and peer-reviewed academic journals, as well as some instructional videos and helpful links. You will also find a list of course-specific library guides for each class in the Richmont School of Ministry.

The librarians at Richmont Graduate University are available to help you anyway we can. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a question or concern.

•  Need something we don't have? Fill out an Inter-Library Loan Request Form
•  Need help on a paper or research project? Schedule a Research Consultation or a Paper Review
•   Still need help? Ask a Librarian.


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Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials

The Atla Religion Database® (Atla RDB®) contains index records covering the research literature of religion in many languages. Indexed journals are selected for inclusion according to their scholarly merit and scope.

Bibliographic records represent scholarship on major religions, faiths, denominations and languages. More than 3.4 million records include: 

  • More than 1.1 million review records
  • More than 470,000 book records
  • More than 287,000 essay records

ProQuest Religion Database by ProQuest

The ProQuest Religion Database provides full-text access to 150 academic journals in the fields of theology, Biblical studies, and world religions. ProQuest religion is particularly indispensable for research into non-Christian religious traditions, though of course, publications in the Christian theological tradition are also well-represented.

EBSCO Religion and Philosophy Collection, by EBSCO

The EBSCO Religion and Philosophy Collection provides full-text access to roughly 300 academic journals in the fields of Biblical studies, theology, world religions, ethics, and philosophy. Because of the variety of traditions and methods of inquiry represented, the EBSCO Religion and Philosophy Collection is an excellent place to begin research into the intersection of theology, philosophy, and the religious practice.

Academic Search Complete by EBSCOhost

Academic Search Complete is a scholarly, multidisciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals, magazines and other resources, including access to full-text, peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, the database includes access to video content updated monthly from the Associated Press, with footage from 1930 to present.

This scholarly collection offers full-text coverage of information in many areas of academic study, including archaeology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic and multicultural studies, food science and technology, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, physics, psychology, religion and theology, women's studies, and other fields.

Scholarly Journals


Video Demonstrations

Bible Commentaries

Useful Links

New Books for the School of Ministry