The Richmont Libraries provide access to tens-of-thousands of physical books and multimedia. Richmont students may search our physical collections through our Follett Chattanooga and Atlanta catalogs, as well as through GALILEO. This page provides a short guide for how to request and receive physical books from our branch libraries.
Receiving Books by Mail
All Richmont students may check out books from either branch of the Richmont Libraries. Should we not have what you need at your local Richmont campus branch, we will send you books by mail. Simply email us a list of the books you need with your address and we will send you the book as soon as possible. Please note that borrowers are responsible for returning all library resources sent by mail.
Interlibrary Loan and Book Suggestions
The Richmont Libraries are committed to serving the informational needs of the entire Richmont community. Should we not have a particular book or resource you need, please let us know by email at, or by filling out the Interlibrary Loan form. We are always happy to receive book recommendations from members of the Richmont community, so let us know if you want a book that we don't have, and we might purchase it for you!
Please note that, while we are generally able to return interlibrary loan requests within a few days, it can take up to a couple weeks to receive requested materials, so make sure to request materials ahead of time.
While rare, in some instances, we may not be able to fulfill interlibrary loan requests. Books we get through interlibrary loan are subject to the policies of the lending institution, and some materials do not circulate. Finally, please be careful with especially careful with resources received through interlibrary loan.
Request a Book
Did you know you can suggest books for us to acquire? If we don't have something on our shelves and you think we should, let us know by email, or by filling out this form here.
Richmont students may check-out most physical books (with the exception of Reference and Class Reserves) for 3 weeks, or 21 calendar days. The due-date will be stamped in the back of the book, and periodic email reminders issued to inform students when their book is due.
Library Returns
Physical books may be returned at the circulation desk of either branch locations or the book drop inside or outside the Chattanooga campus, or by mail.
Library Fines and Replacement Fees
The Richmont Libraries do not collect fines for overdue books. We do, however, politely request that students and faculty let us know if they intend to keep a book past its due-date. We also reserve the right to recall an overdue resource, if another member of the community has requested it.
Students are responsible for any replacement fee incurred by a lost or irreparably damaged books. Unpaid replacement fees can delay conferral of a diploma for graduating students.
Each semester, the Richmont Libraries review current course syllabi to ensure that students have in-library access to physical copies of all required textbooks. These required textbooks are kept in special course-reserves section of the library, where they are available for in-library use only. Students may make or request copyright-compliant copies and scans of required course materials. Simply email one of the librarians at, and we will scan the resources to your student email.
The Richmont Libraries will also purchase electronic editions of required course textbooks when available. It is a good idea to check GALILEO before ordering your course materials, to see if your required textbooks is already available as an eBook. In addition, make sure to check the LibGuides for your courses to see if the libraries have posted links to any required course readings.
The Richmont Libraries provide access to over 500,000 electronic books through its various digital platforms. These books may be accessed through GALILEO and the ProQuest eBook Central platforms. These books are available to all students, and are authenticated through our OpenAthens single sign-on service.
eBook Usage Policy
All eBooks are available for in-browser use. Please note that most eBooks only permit a limited number of users to access a book at one time. This means, if someone else is currently reading the book you are trying to access, you may receive a notification that all copies of a given resource are in use:
In this case, please wait to try back again later. You can also let library staff know if a resource is chronically unavailable, and we will consider purchasing an additional copy.
eBook Downloads:
Most eBooks are only available for in-browser use. Some eBooks, however, are available for download of offline use through Adobe Digital Editions for a limited period of time (generally 7 days). Please note that students must have Digital Editions installed on their device to download an eBook.
Some eBooks also permit students to download a certain number of pages or chapters as a .pdf file. The number of pages available for download is specified in the eBook description:
eBook Textbooks:
The Richmont Libraries will strive to acquire electronic versions of required course textbooks when available. These texts should be viewed as supplements, and not as a substitute for acquiring your own textbooks.
If you are looking for a book from our physical collections, the fastest way is to execute a GALILEO search, using either the Bento or Classic Option.
1. On the GALILEO Homepage simply enter your search term into the search-box. Select the Bento Search Option.
2. Select the resource in "Richmont Library Books and Local Collections"
3. Scroll down to find out more about the resource, or to check its availability. If you would like to place a hold on the item, simply contact a member of the Richmont Library staff.
1. Should you need more specificity in your search, simply select the Advanced Search feature in GALILEO. Here, you can narrow search results by author, subject, location, date published, format, and many other criteria.
2. On the Search Results page, you can check item availability, as well as add items to personalized EBSCO project folders if you'd like to return to them at a later date.
Search for eBooks in GALILEO just like any other resource. Unlike physical books, eBooks may be accessed online, 24 hours a day, without visiting your library. In addition, it is possible to navigate eBooks by searching through their table of contents.
1. Enter your search term using either the Bento or Classic search feature. Use the Advanced Search feature if you'd like to search with more specificity, or simply.
2. If searching in Bento, select the "eBooks" box to narrow down results by publication date, language, subject, and availability.
3. Select the resource you would like to view. You may navigate the table-of-contents in the right-hand menu, download .pdfs of page ranges, or even search within the resource in the eBook viewer.
Please note that eBooks are subject to licensing agreements, and not all permit printing or chapter downloads. In addition, most eBooks only have a limited number of copies available at a time. If all other copies are in-use, it may not be possible to access the eBook at that time.
4. Most eBooks are available for in-browser use only. However, if an eBook shows "Unlimited Copies available", you may download it for a limited period for offline viewing, so long as you have Adobe Digital Editions installed (available online for free). You will need to select the format and the borrow term before downloading the resource.
Finally, you may decide to search the local library catalog in Follett Destiny Discover. These catalogs include only the physical resources located on the shelves of both campus libraries, as well as eBooks directly owned (not leased) by the Richmont Libraries.
1) First, choose the catalog you'd like to search (either Chattanooga or Atlanta). You do not need to log-in to search the catalog, but if you wish to log-in, so that you can see your current checkouts or place holds on library items, you may do so. Your log-in credentials will be your student email for username and student ID number for password.
2) Select your search terms, choose location, and set limiters. You may choose to search one catalog at a time, or both catalogs together.
3) Review the Search Results. Note that the format and availability of each resource will be indicated by an icon in the top left corner.
4) If the resource is an eBook, it will contain a link to the resource in either GALILEO or ProQuest. Simply scroll down to the "Title Links" box on the resource page and select "eBook available to Richmont Graduate University". This link will take you to the resource page in GALILEO.